Nelson has been an avid outdoorsman his whole life. Hunting, trapping, fishing, or working with anything in the bush, it’s what his passions are. Nelson has outfitted and guided part time for the last 20+ years in Saskatchewan, with guiding for bears being his favorite. Above all he loves to take out new hunters into a bear stand and let them take in the excitement of a bear hunt and to have their first bear kill, he loves to be a part of the experience as he mentors them in many hunting skills. Nelson hunts every available big game animal in Saskatchewan every season, Bear, Moose, Elk, Mule Deer, and Whitetail and spends many hours on his trapline with Timber Wolves being his favorite furbearer to pursue. He also has hunted several countries and loves the adventure of every new hunt.
Nelson lives in Warman, Saskatchewan with his wife and has three children. He is proud to be an ambassador for the RMHC company and continually promotes the calls whenever an opportunity arises.