We are a family with a dream to create high quality hunting films that lead our example of experiencing every single adventure together as a family. When our son, Bow, was born, so was our dream to showcase that kids are never too young to go hunting with you. Bow went on his first archery elk hunt at only three weeks old. It was then that we knew we needed to be filming our hunts and all that we do. Our goal is to show all of the ups and the downs. Hunting with a toddler is not easy, and we aren’t trying to make it look easy. It takes a lot of dedication and patience. The memories we make with Bow are priceless. Being able to see his reactions and emotions fuels our fire to do better and be better. As he grows up, not only will he be able to hear our hunting stories, but he will be able to watch them and remember the moments first hand. The reason we care so much about starting youth in the outdoors at an early age, is that we were those young kids. Now is our time to pass the passion on to our son, and by example, we hope to motivate our audience to do the same. It is never too early to start a child in the outdoors. Our son has never slowed us down a bit, he has actually done quite the opposite. The weight of him on our back is nothing compared to the fuel of creating memories together. We take great pride in knowing that our son will never look back and remember that time that he got stuck at the babysitter when mom and dad went hunting. He is going to look back at his earliest memories and see screaming bulls and late nights in a wall tent under September skies. We are just at the beginning of this journey, if you like who we are and what we stand for, please follow along as you will be seeing a lot more from this crazy and dedicated family.
Thank You! Randy and Cheyenne Sloan Raised in the Rut